Thursday, April 8, 2010

this is what I do with leftover soup...I still
have to wipe the calcium off the outside of
the jars and label and date this leftover
lentel soup...this is a Cuban reciept. I love
soup and to make soup I usually use a huge
kettle. This batch is what I had left from a carry-in. There are usually several choices in my
basement just waiting for me to heat up and
Irene was here yesterday, we spent about 3
hours playing in the sewing room. We both
finished up our 3rd crossing ohio
odds and ends. Irene has her pick and choose quilt set...and is thinking about borders...I
am still making blocks. I have a total of 5 to sew and still have to cut out 2 more...but I have
the fabric pulled. I am cutting for sashing now.
back to the cutting table...A


Bianca said...


I haven't eaten a good Lentil Soup in years. Could you perhaps share the Recipe for your soup? I would love to give it a try.

Anonymous said...

Can't knock it as I have not tried it but Lintel soup reminds me of split pea soup for some reason which I do not like at all!!!
I am so happy you could get the leftovers canned though for later use. Waste is so sad.

So when we can or freeze our leftovers for another day does that make us scrappy cookers like we are scrappy quilters :-) ??