Saturday, February 16, 2008

i have uploaded a picture of a kids quilt that i piece and quilted for church. definately a girls quilt. i now have a large quilt on auntie grace for us. this one is large enough that i will have to turn the quilt and work from the other end
to get it done so i hope to get this one done by the end of the month...i know, i am slow. my pile of quilts that need quilting keeps growing.

its a beautiful day here today the snow on the ground just sparkles. nice after a long stretch of ohio grey days, i think tomarrow is to be grey once again. time to get back to work


1 comment:

MakesMeSmile said...

wow! Is that the one I saw when you got back from AZ? I don't recall the sashing. Anyway, looks great, and will see you Thursday!
