Thursday, October 23, 2008

only 2 more blocks to make!

when i picked this UFO from the stack
and it is a huge stack...i found that i had 10
completed blocks and all the blue rectangles
cut out. the UFO is old enough that the
rectangles were drawn and cut with sissors..
i now have all but 2 blocks made then it will be time to assemble the center. i think there is enough of the blue in the box to make a narrow border. if not, i will make a peiced border incorperating the blue.

i think the quilt was started in 2000 but not really sure! i do remember spending a full day cutting the blue out at a card table in the living room. weird thing to remember.

i am also working on borders for 2 other the stack of need to quilt should grow in november.

yesterday was a good day. larry had a dr appointment in the afternoon and the dr was impressed with his improvement! prayers are answered!!


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